With so many features available, we've categorised these by module to let you explore the benefits that our platform can have in your business. There's a lot here, so if you're interested in looking at this at a higher level, head over to our What We Do page, or click on the link below.
You can quickly and easily bring across your existing data from your current platforms.
Hundreds of customisable settings and options to configure.
Manage your phone calls, e-mails, text messages, appointments and reminders in once place.
No limits or charge for data storage in The Layer.
Send out alerts prior to appointments or to chase SLAs- it's your call.
See instant reporting results on your home screen and drill down for more details.
Have any widget sent to you at any time for your user account via our Mail Bots. Set and forget.
Sync calendar appointments with your sales team via our Exchange sync utility. No add-ons required!
Very quickly see the availability and activity of you teams and individual including all appointments, appointment outcomes and phones call tasks.
Comply with regulations by subscribing to our integrated TPS service to prevent any prospects with these telephone numbers from being called. You can override the TPS list when you have permission to call the lead.
Keep engaged with prospects and customers by scheduling sales, order processing and service related call backs, which appear in users' work stacks as they fall due.
Create sales opportunities from within commonly used tasks. Update all opportunity specific tasks, notes, probability stages, quotes and close by dates in one easy to use screen.
Lead records automictically become customer records upon esign, saving time. All lead based notes and tasks will also visible against the customer record.
Manager can permanently or temporarily assign lead ownership and access to another member of the team.
Instantly delegate permanent or temporary access of a lead to another member of your team. Great for holiday cover or absences.
Real-time suggestions of who's in the area for appointment bookings.
The Layer provides agents with the facility to view availability and book appointments for sales representatives & integrate with Outlook or Office 365.
Add custom hyperlinks and or PDF attachments for specific products and services to your quotes. Ideal if you want to share detailed product specifications with a customer but don’t want to clutter up your quote.
Quickly provide colleagues with time restricted access to your lead and customer records. These records will then be visible and accessible for that period of time by both people. Ideal for holiday cover or escalations.
Quickly recreate multiple versions of a quote so that you can give the customer various options across the suppliers you can provide.
Create packages from the different products and services you provide and choose what items you want to round up the costs for and then show on the quote and invoice.
Configure your lease suppliers and price books in the system allowing you to then show leasing charges along side any recurring charges on a quote, which then flows into the order ready for finance to invoice.
Access team and individual diaries and book appointments with multiple attendees with built in email work flow.
Split opportunities between different sales teams, either as a % or a £ value. This then pulls through into the dashboards and reporting and is ideal if you have teams that work together on opportunities.
Workstacks and widgets for sales and the processing team to show the status and progress of sales orders with email notification.
This will allow people with the permission to create bespoke products and services which can be added permanently to the price book - ideal for bespoke IT services.
Choose whether to automatically reopen a case upon receipt of an email from the case contact for a close case or to send an automated email asking to raise another case.
Automatically update the status of a case from an on hold 'waiting on' status to 'In progress' on receipt of a customer email. Meaning you can respond and close off cases quicker.
Have full visibility of the time taken and cost to manage your customer accounts enabling you to prioritise your work loads and focus resources.
Take action on cases coming into mail triage with the ability to auto create or close cases and auto allocate the case to a team and define the category and sub category.
Monitor and manage your response and resolution SLA with porting and provide you with the key service KPI metrics.
Sales can specify classifications at quote stage e.g. New/Port/Migrate, which flows through to orders.
This will allow for category based reporting, quote approval and sales order check lists e.g. 365 License, Vodafone Voice, Horizon License, SIM Free device, IT Hardware and MSA.
You can store multiple accounts numbers against the customer asset in The Layer e.g. SAN & BAN.
Use the time logging feature in our case module to deduct any service or engineering time from a time specified contract e.g. log 3 hrs of support against a 100 hour support contract and then sell additional hours when their balance is running low.
Sales can quickly see all campaigns received by that lead/customer to help spark up a conversation and reason to call.
Schedule multiple emails and follow up tasks, using trigger dates based on when you want that event to happen.
Simple easy to use interface to quickly build marketing campaigns.
Build targeted lead and customer data lists around specifics such as contract expiries and renewal dates, old products and services.
Built in tools for monitoring and reporting on campaign opens, links clicked on and email forwards.
Build staged campaigns to keep inform customers and keep them updated of any service outages and issues.
Log and track the costs of each element of a campaign so you know what resources to invest to get the maximum ROI.
Multiple Campaigns can be logged against an opportunity which is then visible in the sales reporting, giving you the ability to fully measure the success and ROI of you activity.
Manage contact preferences at the point of record creation and in life and from within the individual elements of your marketing campaigns.
Improved hardware fund management and visibility with premature application to sales invoices - HWF anomalies, have to go back to the original SO and update invoice to ensure correct.
Warnings are displayed in the record, opportunities and sales orders when the customer has a zero or negative available balance or if the account has been placed on hold.
Sales reporting data is driven from the sales orders which in turn comes directly from the price book items from within the quote. This means your financial and forecasting data is as accurate as it can be and doesn't rely on guesswork from sales.
Receive daily digest email for sales and service and the ability to create scheduled emails of your favourite work stacks.
Reduce the time taken to generate the reports for business intelligence and management reporting - bespoke forecasting report and data feed to generate your own reports.